We provide updates to the databases we supply for use with our software products on a quarterly, monthly and weekly basis. For a list of the current databases available for use with StyleADVISOR and AllocationADVISOR, click the links below.

  • Indexes
  • Daily Data
  • Hedge Funds
  • SMA Products
  • Mutual Funds
  • Stocks & ETFs
  • Variable Annuities
  • Lipper Global Basic
  • Lipper Global Extended
  • Morningstar Global

includes the monthly early and full index updates for the Zephyr supplied index databases, the Global Financial Data long term indexes and the Japanese index database

includes updates for the Zephyr daily index database and for the Morningstar daily mutual fund data

includes updates for all hedge fund data vendors

includes updates for the PSN SMA database and updates for all third party SMA data vendors

includes updates for all North American mutual fund data vendors

includes updates for US equity databases

includes updates for all variable annuity data vendors

includes updates for the basic data versions of all the various non-US Lipper fund databases

includes updates for the extended fields versions of the non-US Lipper fund databases

includes updates for the various Morningstar non-US fund databases